All Green Blade Lawn Care programs are guaranteed to improve the health and appearance of your lawn and eliminate broadleaf weeds. If your broadleaf weeds are not completely eliminated within 14 days of your 2nd visit, we will gladly perform an additional weed control application at no extra cost to ensure your weeds are dealt with. If you are not satisfied with your results, we will cheerfully refund 110% of your remaining applications.
*This guarantee does not apply to weeds growing in other areas of your property outside of your lawn, or areas that are not being regularly mowed. This guarantee is not applicable to ground covers such as Creeping Charlie, Creeping Bellflower, or Yarrow. For advice on how to deal with these ground covers and non-broadleaf weeds, please contact our office and we would be happy to work with you do eliminate this problem. This guarantee is also void where proper cultural practices are not being followed or performed, or if the program is delayed by the customer.